Seniors and others likely to have access to more farmers’ markets this summer

More farmers’ markets may now be eligible to accept Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) and WIC FMNP checks (together referred to as S/FMNP). The S/FMNP program provides $50 worth of checks for seniors and $30 worth of checks for families on WIC to purchase fresh, locally grown produce and herbs at authorized farmers markets during the summer. Previously, a farmers’ market was required to have a minimum of 5 authorized produce vendors, but new in 2023, a farmers’ market now is eligible to accept SFMNP with a minimum of 3 authorized vendors. The MN Department of Agriculture (MDA) has changed the requirements for a farmers’ market to be eligible to accept S/FMNP after doing a pilot program last year in Ramsey County. Note, FMNP checks are not the same as WIC dollars that WIC families receive monthly. WIC dollars are not accepted at a farmers’ market currently.

For more information about how a market can become authorized click here

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